Summer 2015 - PhD Seminar
Visiting Winspear Scholar: Dr. Ron Mitchell
Peter B. Gustavson School of Business - University of Victoria

Welcome to the Winspear Visiting Scholar PhD Seminar, 2015

- Below you will find access to the schedule and most of the readings.

- Please download the documents as you need them; and please also let me know if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

A. Course Documents:

  • Seminar Schedule - Summer 2015

    B. Readings:

    Session 1: Developing economies (Tuesday, June 23, 2015: 9:00a to 11:50a)

  • Bruton et al, 2013: Entrepreneurship as a solution to poverty

  • de Soto, 2000 (book): The Mystery of Capital, on order for each participant. Please check w/ Wendy Mah on availability.

  • GDP comparative analysis (and working paper)

  • Mitchell, 2003: A transaction cognition theory of global entrepreneurship

    Session 2:Stakeholders (Thursday, June 25th, 2015: 9:00a to 11:50a)

  • Agle, et al, 2008: Toward superior stakeholder theory

  • Lee, 2015 (recent dissertation): Stakeholder work and stakeholder engagement

  • Mitchell et al., 1997: Toward a theory of stakeholder ID and salience

  • Mitchell et al., 2016 (forthcoming AMR): Stakeholder agency and social welfare: Pluralism and decision making in the multi-objective corporation

    Session 3: Entrepreneurship (Tuesday, July 7th, 2015: 9:00a to 11:50a)

  • Mitchell et al (Conference Paper, 2014): Stakeholders and opportunity emergence

    - Presented at the ENT Division Exemplars Conference, Keystone, Co. March 2014; and at the 2014 Babson Research Conference, June 2014 Ivey, London, ON.

  • Mitchell et al, 2014: Simulating socially-situated cognition in exchange creation

  • Mitchell et al., 2017 (forthcoming JMS): Stakeholder inclusion, stakeholder risk, and value creation stakeholder accounting

  • Randolph-Seng, et al. 2015 (forthcoming): Micro-foundations of entrepreneurial cognition research

    - Forthcoming in "Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship Research" pre-publication version. Please do not reproduce or circulate.

    Session 4: Cross-cultural studies (Thursday, July 9th, 2015: 9:00a to 11:50a)

  • Mitchell et al, 2000: Cross-cultural cognitions and the venture creation decision

  • Mitchell et al, 2002: Are entrepreneurial cognitions universal? Assessing entrepreneurial cognitions across cultures

  • Mitchell and Mitchell, 2013 (working paper): Social Inflection

  • Vahidnia at al, 2014 (working paper)

    Note: If you have any trouble accessing these files, please email me at, and I'll try to solve the problem. Apologies for any inconvenience.